Monday, March 11, 2019










Friday, February 8, 2019

....let this be your SALVATION story.....


NOW, to the one who doesn’t understand this message of Salvation
It is a matter of letting yourself go… letting go of the grip that you have been holding onto so long, and release yourself by the way of faith and believe the message that was told.

Faith is the easy part!  It is the fleshy part of the unbeliever that has a hard time!
((scripture says: the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak))

You see, Jesus was born here on earth.  His birth mother was a virgin.  Unbelievable?  To one who has to hold onto things tightly; he can not/will not understand or accept…

To a faith-believer it is a matter of okay God.  What is next?

What is next, the baby was named Jesus.  God’s Son, and Mary’s earthly son.
He grew up, acknowledging His Heavenly Father every chance He had.  He did many miracles.  He healed the sick, lame, blind, deaf and mute.  He even rose ones from the dead.  He healed lepers, outcasts, and even the ones who were possessed.  He turned water into wine at a wedding.  He “seen” things afar off… He felt….FAITH…. in the ones who “believed.”  He was God-  HE IS GOD!

The people of His time didn’t believe in Him.  They seen the “boy” grow up to a “man” and he couldn’t possibly be “God!” Blasphemy!

So, they turned their backs, and belief.  No faith. No light.  No hope.  Yet, this is what they chose!

You see, an atheist has the same complaint!  How could a loving God (they say sarcastically) send a man to hell?

Well, God doesn’t!  An unbelieving man sends his own self to hell.  FACT.

This JESUS who left heaven came to earth for you.  He longs for your soul and spirit to become one IN Him.  He longs for you to believe in Him so that you may be with Him (and His family) in heaven with His Father.  This is the Father’s, our Heavenly Father’s heart.  For YOU to BE with HIM.

And, the only way this can happen positively for you is for you to surrender one thing…  your heart, by way of blind faith!  A step into the unknown, but to God it is a step in the right direction, through His Son Jesus, to HIM.

The Atheist can’t do it!  Why?  they need to touch, smell, feel it.  Their hand is so tightly closed off to this message, that their heart is literally hindered/blocked.  Hardened.  Callused.  The only thing that will give them breakthrough is by merely saying YES to Jesus.  Simple faith.

Simple faith-  Simple yes- is it simple?  Yes, it is!

Jesus, a boy, grew up man, led a holy, pure life.  He is our example.  Oh, how we all have failed.  But, keep on walking….  Walking by faith!

At 33 years of age, His time was up.  The unbelievers had enough.  They wanted Him dead.  His miracles weren’t enough to capture their attention, it only infuriated them to murder.  Murder was in their hearts.  Hate.  Abort the plan, they thought.

But, God is God, is God!

Hate was man’s motive for the cross. 

LOVE was Christ’s motive for the cross.  Love endured it.  

He was beaten unrecognizable.  Whipped.  Tortured.  They ripped out the hair from His beard.  Taking a spiky thorny plant and made a crown.  Hate was so happy with himself.  He was mocked, degraded, YET, said not a word, nor cried out.

LOVE made it possible.  Love made the tree.

The soldiers made Him carry the cross.  His energy gone, yet He kept on walking… (in faith)  He was not about to fail.  He endured the cross for the joy (us) so that we would be free of hell and death.

A man, Joseph of Arimethea, was made to carry His cross the rest of the way.

Laying Him down, bloody, bruised and broken.  Hurt beyond hurt, alive, yes, still alive.  They nailed Him to the cross, hands and feet.  He could barely breathe.  Hanging there with the other criminals… Yet had compassion.  For us- the future.  For them- the past.  For the Father who was heartbroken.  His beautiful Son, who was tortured for our sins.

You see, what the Atheist can’t believe is this.  Why would a LOVING GOD do this:  they don’t care that it was Jesus!  All they see is the crime committed.  Yet, do not see the crime they are committing for themselves.  The crime of stolen faith, theirs, by the one who steals, kills, and destroys.  Yes, Satan.  And, often times, they don’t even know that their blindness is because of lack of faith.

Back to Jesus.  The One who loves YOU.  He died on the cross for you, so that in this space and time could see this:  “CHILD, I LOVE YOU, I love you with my life.”  I love you to death.  

However, as Christians know, Jesus didn’t remain dead in His grave.  But let me not get ahead of myself.

He was crucified.  Not one bone was broken.  
God looked down upon His Son.  And turned away.
For the Son took on ALL the sin of the world upon Himself.  Yours, mine, future and past, all for LOVE.  The love of the Father, and the love of you.

He cried, it is finished.  Because it was….finished.

The very ending insult was also prophesied, His side was pierced.  Water and blood spilled out.

Finished.  Jesus dead.  The world stopped.  I wonder if time stopped, hiccuped if you will, then the earthquake…. the veil torn….  the Father, I believed cried.

The story didn’t end here with the end… death…

It started again…..  time moved forward. 

Death didn’t win!  Jesus rose!  On the third day after His death, the stone was rolled back, and it was empty!  Jesus wasn’t there.

He rose.  Death lost it’s sting.  The grave can not hold us!  The devil lost.

The believer who has faith enough to accept this fact is very blessed.  Heaven belongs to you if you stop…right now….and accept this fact, and ask the Lord Jesus into your heart.

Let’s do it now.

Jesus, Thank you for loving me so much that you thought about me.  Thank you for seeing me on that cross.  Thank you that You have stirred my heart enough to capture my attention.

I do not want to hold on to unbelief any longer.   I want to release this unbelief to You, and believe in you, Lord.  I accept the scripture that was mentioned that the only way to heaven is through You, Lord.  I ask that YOU become my Lord and Savior, and save my soul for death and hell, Lord. 

Forgive my sins, and unbelief.  And, bless my faith in You, Jesus.

Thank you for the cross, and all that You endured for my salvation.

Thank you for welcoming me into Your family.  I am so grateful!  I can now have a forever future with You, Lord.

In Jesus name, I pray.  Thank you!  Amen

Now, for this to be finalized…go and tell someone.  Bible says for you to confess Jesus before others, so that He will confess you before His Father.

Welcome to the family of God!!!

If you still don’t understand this message, or need prayer, I will be happy to share MORE of Jesus with you.

Your sister, Lorraine


If ye then be risen with Christ, 
seek those things which are above, 
where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1 KJV

Our Heavenly Father has gifts in abundance for His children.  This is one of them!!!

Salvation, is one gift that only comes through Jesus Christ.  A gift.  
A purchase, His life for ours.

Believer, you were bought with a price:  the LIFE of Jesus.  He, for the joy, endured the cross, for us.  As Jesus hung on the cross, He seen us.  His day wasn’t going to end with His life!

No, He seen us!  He seen PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE!!!  ((that was us, the future He seen))  And, for the JOY, He endured the cross so that YOU would be with Him in glory.  So that, the Father would be pleased that YOU are with Him and, His family.

Love made the tree.  Love was crucified on that tree.  And, Love rose.  A once dead body, lying in the grave, risen in Victory, for us.

Child of God, if you be risen with Christ…. seek God…  matter of fact, seek Him with all you have in you!  Seek, and you shall find, scripture says!  Seek the Lord your God, then you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and soul! Deu 4:29.  Because, in Psalm 141:8, scripture says: God will NOT leave us destitute!

The Lord searches our heart.  What will He find in yours?  Are you seeking Him?
Are your intentions good?  Is your Father pleased with what He sees in you?

You see, 1 Chron 28:9 scripture says if you seek Him, He will be found by you.  However, if you forsake Him, He will reject you…forever.

Jesus, the trumpet will sound; it will.  The dead in Christ shall rise first.  Then the ones who are on earth shall be caught up.  In a moment…. in a twinkling of an eye, we shall be WITH You.  We shall be LIKE You!  

The only ones that will rise with you, belong to You.  The believer of Jesus Christ!  Yes, the ones who were the SEEKERS.  We will be risen with you, Jesus.
Hallelujah \0/  Yes!  So, help us, Abba, as we look unto You, the Author and Finisher of our faith, and bless our seeking!  Thank you for the promise that we will find You!  You will never turn us away, but draw us nearer to You.  

Amen Jesus!!!!  Thank you, again, and again, and again.  

Help us to set our minds on things above, and not on the things of the earth…but on YOU.

Monday, February 4, 2019


The effectual
fervent prayer
of a righteous man
availeth much.
Unto Him
who is able
to do
above and beyond
what you ask or think
according to the power that worketh in you.
JAMES 5:16, EPH 3:20


Are your prayers effective?
(or repetitive?)
Do your prayers reach heaven?
Are your prayers profitable?

Because, Our Heavenly Father
exceedingly, abundantly
above and beyond 
you can think or ask!!!
According to the power that works in you!

Are you a powerful prayer partner?
Does your fervent faith reach up to God?
Are you the one who can just think out your prayer confidently
knowing that your Father hears you and will do
what He says, according to His Word?

kind of prayers?

Again, what kind of power is in you?

One who wavers is powerless!
One who wavers does not fully believe.
And, one who believes is strengthened in his faith
and can give glory to God!  (RO 4:20)

Why? because we are fully persuaded that God does what is promised.
He is a God who does not lie!
He is a God who is extremely generous with His gifts!

Our job as a Christian is to believe in the One who saves, delivers, prospers us, fulfills us, believes in us to be powerful in Him!

“IN” Christ Jesus is the best place for you to be!
The reason?  
IN Christ are ALL your answers met!
IN Christ is all your praise!
IN Christ gives you rest on every side!
IN Christ is all He says, according to His Word.

Do you know Him?
is He IN you?
Are you powerful, or powerless?
What is IN you?

What are you harvesting and reaping.
You reap what you sow, you know!
So, sow wisely!

Be Valiant!
Be strong IN Christ Jesus!
Be confident!

Courageous that when you pray, that the confidence of “who” you are IN Christ, and “who” Your Abba is- - out weighs fear, anxiety, and being powerless. . .(playing it forward) to a VICTORIOUS, fervent, never giving up, constant, fearless child of the King! Who is the one who has no fear? God is with you!  God’s POWER is IN you!
Your prayers are answered! Hallelujah!  Above and beyond all you can think or ask!  


The only way this is accomplished is by using your faith,
never giving up, believing (God) to receive (from God) to have (from God).
Waiting for, hoping for and expecting God 
to DO- - ALL He says He will
 Let it be so, in Jesus name!  Amen Jesus!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Though I speak with the tongues 
of men and of angels, 
and have not charity,  
I am become as sounding brass, 
or a tinkling cymbal.
1 Corinthians 13:1 KJV

chiming, tinkling love
stirred by the Holy Spirit

Music, heavenly music
pleasing to God’s ears!

in and through us

Coming out our mouth!


the Jesus in us


Without love
I am a gong~

A loveless person is annoying
and, a clanging noise


The song is a sad sound
sad because Jesus isn’t IN it

a song that is tainted
without the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, help us to please you with our song.
Allow the Love of Jesus in us be as a tinkling sweet sound of LOVE, to your ears.
Show us where we fall short, so it can be turned around.
Forgive us, as we forgive others, I pray in Jesus name.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

...HEBREWS 10:24

And let us consider one another 
to provoke 
unto love 
and to good works:
Hebrews 10:24 KJV

JESUS, help us today to understand Your Word.  Help us to be considerate, calling forth a spark of LOVE, sharing YOU and creating the momentum of this scripture: LOVE ONE ANOTHER & to help others who need You, today, Lord. 
In Jesus name I pray, Amen Jesus.

In this prayer this scripture came out: Love one another.  It is easy to love the lovable isn’t it?  What about the unlovable?  It can be quite hard; loving from a distance even!  But God is calling us to do something different!

Let us consider one another.  Are you easy to love?  Are you a loving type?  Are you easy to get to know?  Are you kind; compassionate even?  Are you the “contagious” Christian, a person who is a type of magnate; one who people love be around?  One, that a person would instantly know is a godly person.  Or, perhaps, one who can reach heaven with their prayers?  

You see, in this scripture, God wants us to be the SPARK that ignites the fire!  The Godly-Power in us to remove the enemy with fervent prayer.  The one who is “in touch” with God.  Is this you?

Or, are you the one who stands back and watches, and perhaps, even judges us hot or cold?  Are you the type of Christian who goes to church because of obligation?  Are you who is a “lip service” type.  Not a heart-in-it type?? (Mt 15:8)

You see, there is a difference.

God wants us to LOVE one another-  & to CONSIDER one another.  God wants us to provoke unto love.  Do you need a push? this message can be a type of push ((if you are interested)).  

Are you “excited” about Jesus?  Does His love trigger you into action, to hit the bullseye?  Or, are you a dud?

The good works God is talking about is for the one who takes the verb of considering and provoking unto love… to do…  

Creating a momentum, and excitement, a spark, to kindle the fire into something big is what this scripture is talking about!  We want to get worked up about Jesus!  We are so excited about Jesus we just can’t help ourselves.  

So, we sing about it!  We share with others about Him, and we create a tiny little spark of LIFE in the one whose fire might be going out.

Sweet Jesus, help us!  Bless our faith today. Please Lord, help us not to fall 
short of what YOU would have for us.  Help us to consider others.  To share Your love, mercies, and kindnesses.  To ignite the spark in silent embers.  To create a momentum that likens to a roaring fire.  Help us to consider others who need You.  To share all we know with them.  To honor You, our Lord.  Love, love, love, LOVE  come to us, share with us, so that we can share with others, I pray in Jesus name.

Amen Jesus! 

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Behold, I will do a new thing; 
now it shall spring forth; 
shall ye not know it? 
I will even make a way in the wilderness, 
and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19 KJV

Praise God!  Happy New Year!

Do you trust your Father?  Your heavenly Father to honor His Word?

He who makes a way in the sea, a path through surging waters, bringing forth chariots and horses, armies and warriors…extinguishing them, never to rise again…..quenched (Is 43;16-17)….forever silenced….  God sees us, His children.  Even in the future, far away, years from when this scripture was told, yet so close that we can touch it… We can feel Him, and see Him and, His mighty wondrous deeds as He blesses us!  

He cautions us in Is 43:18 not to look to the former things In Phil 3:13-14, scripture tells us to “forget” what is behind you.  Don’t look back on the past, the things that want to take hold of you…  But, look forward, reaching out.  Forward to Jesus’ hand.  Forward to your “way in the wilderness,”  forward to your Prize….  It may be a struggle, but a struggle worth fighting for!  

Do your best, for the BEST is right in front of you!  

I remember when I was in track, O, it wasn’t easy at all.  I had to strain to move my feet faster.  I competed against girls who I called the “gazelles” they were taller, faster, and their legs were so long, longer than mine!  But, it was a competition, in which I was confident that if I did my best, straining to win, pushing myself hard for that extra inch, I could do it, because confidence said I could.  Confidence lengthened my stride!  Confidence gave me the strength of Christ to “do” this thing!  I had to reach the finish line…trying hard… never giving up!  I didn’t kill myself all week practicing to give up!  I had to run the race.  

Jesus wants us to run the race toward Him, our prize!  He is with us.
He wants us to LIVE OUT -Him- IN us.  

Is 43: 2 says, He is with us.  In the struggle, in the race, in the valleys and even in our best of times, Jesus Christ is with us!  He quenches our thirst!  He fills us full with His goodness! Fire and Water shall not consume us, no, Jesus is with us!  We are the ransomed of Christ! Jesus Christ is our Deliverer!!!   
Hallelujah!!!  \0/

God wants to do something new for us!  Are you willing to reach out and grab your blessing??  God will make a way for you!  Abundance belongs to you!  Blessings belong to you, heaped upon heaped!! Yes, yours!

Do you see a mountain- overshadowing your blessing?  

Jesus’ Word says this: I will make a way.  He will make the path of what seems impossible….possible!!  
He is the God of the impossible!  Matter of fact, NOTHING is (ever) IMPOSSIBLE for God!  So, in Jesus name, we can say:  MOUNTAIN MOVE, and it shall!  Does your faith agree with this statement???  

Do you realize, child of God, that we are the “chosen” the ones who God loves to spoil, and bless, heaps upon heaps??  Are you aware that our Lord, has cleared the path already for you?

Where as you see the mountain, God is way ahead of you, and sees the cleared pathway!

Is this your “new thing?” that God is willing to give?  Oh, there are many new things we can snatch from heaven which belong to us!

Shall ye not know it??

God will make a way where there seems to be no way, Hallelujah!!!

He is so kind that the desert land of your life shall be filled with His Living Water!
We shall never be parched, if we “trust” our Father, our Heavenly Father who is nothing but good, good, good!

It is promised that the Lord will do this N O W.  Are you ready for your blessing???  Are you ready for your overflow?  Our Abundant God wants us to flow, with overflowing abundance of HIM!   

So, this message tells me that I do not need to live in “wasteland” of dry, dark, desert land.  NO!!!  God wants to rain His blessings down on us!  Hallelujah!  
For we will ever be grateful, Lord.

Abba, You did it again!  You blessed us heaps upon heaps, in Your abundance of overflowing blessing!  Hallelujah, thank you, Lord!  Thank you for making a way for me, walking my path ahead of time, for me!  Making my crooked paths straight!  Thank you!  again and again, thank you!  Help us, Lord, not to REFUSE Your help.  Help us not to be that foolish, that we would be so full of pride that we would ignore your refreshment….

Show us Lord, how to bask in Your glory! Being refreshed, being full, being with such thankfulness it oozes out of us!  
Help us to Delight in the One who delights in us!  The One who loves us so much, that You would walk our paths even before we set foot on them.  
Ah, Lord God, You undo me with Your goodness!

Help us to KNOW “who” our Abba God is!  Yes, You are: Wonderful!  Thank you.  Good,  Thank you!  Awesome, Thank you!  Always refreshing us, in our dry places!  Refreshing us when we are in the dry wilderness.  

Hallelujah, You are God; always with us! Never leaving us!  Watering our dry places, giving us refreshment of the Joy of the Father, refreshment of His integrity, of the God who never lies.  The God of NOW.  

Lord, bless us as we run the race, straining to win, bless our feet (the one who brings the Message of Your good news!  Abba, bless the hearer of the Word, and even more, bless the DOER of Your Word.  

Thank you, Lord, for blessing us.  You are Kind, You are Good, and for that we say: 
Amen, and Praise the Lord!!!

Thank you Jesus.

Now, this New Year, go in the Peace of Christ!  With the confident assurance that God is With you (Emanuel), that He will never leave you, nor forsake you.  He loves you!  He wants you with Him!  He wants to bless you!  He wants to honor you with Himself!  God wants to refresh you…NOW!!!

ABBA, please bless us in 2019, help us to honor Your wonderful name.  Lord, please protect us by the power of your name. In Jesus name, Amen!

Blessings to your faith, to your journey IN Christ Jesus, and to your NOW.



p.s. read all of Isaiah 43, I promise, you will be most blessed! ((since our Lord God is no respecter of persons!  be blessed!!))  & John 1:16 especially in the Amp version